Barber of Seville

Picture from the show

Picture from the show

Picture from the show

Picture from the show

Picture from the show

Picture from the show

Picture from the show

Picture from the show

Picture from the show

Picture from the show

Picture from the show

Picture from the show

3d model for milling

3d model for milling



Carmen - G. Bizet
Astana Opera

Direttore: Alan Buribayev
Regia: Alfonso Antoniozzi
Scene: Ezio Frigerio con Riccardo Massironi
Costumi: Franca Squarciapino
Luci: Jacopo Pantani
Proiezioni: Sergio Metalli
Assisetente ai Costumi: Anna Verde

© Astana Opera, 2017, Photographer: Karla Nur